Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)
Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)
Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)
Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)
Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)
Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)

Clariti 1 Day Multifocal (30 šošovky)

Kúpte si teraz a získajte €0,60 vernostných bodov (len pre registrovaných používateľov).
Spôsob prepravy Náklady na dopravu
Slovenská pošta Od 6.5 €
Medzinárodné - pošta alebo UPS Podrobnosti pri pokladni
Typ objektívu
Podľa doby nosenia
Obsah balenia
Typ materiálu
Silikón Hydrogélové
Priepustnosť kyslíka
86 Dk/t
Obsah vody
56 %
UV filter
Somofilcon A (44%)
14, 1 mm
Iné vlastnosti
UV ochrana
EAN číslo

Packaging: 30 pieces / box

Wearing time: per day

Clariti 1 Day multifocal ensures sharp vision at all distances. The daily multifocal lenses are made of highly breathable silicone hydrogel. They are comfortable all day long thanks to the special moisture-retaining technology. These lenses are perfect for those with an active lifestyle.

Silicone hydrogel
Claritii 1 Day lenses are made from Somofilcon A, a type of silicone hydrogel. This highly advanced material maintains high levels of moisture while also providing the cornea with ample oxygen. WetLoc technology further enhances comfort by continuously distributing and releasing built-in moisture throughout the day.

Clariti 1 Day lenses contain built-in UVA and UVB filters.


  • Disposable contact lenses for daily wear
  • Silicone hydrogel base material
  • High oxygen permeability
  • Surface treatment-free manufacturing technology
  • High water content
  • Aspherical training
  • UVA and UVB protection


Provides the safest way to wear
More oxygen to the cornea, which provides distinct comfort and health to the eye
The eye adapts to contact lenses much faster than with hydrogel lenses
Increased bio-compatibility with the human body
Optimises lens movement over the eye

Silicone hydrogel
Claritii 1 Day lenses are made of Somofilcon A, a type of silicone hydrogel. This highly advanced material maintains a high level of moisture while also providing the cornea with ample oxygen. WetLoc technology further enhances comfort by continuously distributing and releasing built-in moisture throughout the day.

Correcting presbyopia
Presbyopia is an eye defect that occurs with age and is the result of natural degeneration of the lens of the eye. The first symptoms of presbyopia begin around the age of 40 and it has been reported that around the age of 60 the condition stabilises and is no longer noticeable. It is a natural consequence of ageing.

Contact lenses to correct presbyopia eliminate the need for reading glasses. These lenses are designed with zones with different angles of vision and distance vision, and the brain automatically focuses the different zones at different distances. Presbyopia should always be diagnosed by an optometrist to be aware of the exact values.

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